Save money on your office lighting bill…
This summer, David visited Acton Trussell Community Centre to replace all the old fluorescent tube light fittings with brand new LED light panels as part of a project to save money on office lighting. The replacement of the fluorescent tubes is a fairly standard procedure although many organisations do not realise the full potential to be had in energy savings by switching to LED. Technology is continually advancing and it’s now more affordable than ever for companies to replace old lighting lamps and tubes with LED to bring down the cost of energy and to gain more bang for your buck in terms of product lifespan. Inefficient lighting not only costs more money but it can also have an effect on the productivity of workers due to eye strain, headaches and even emotional mood triggers. It’s important to be safe as well as saving. By installing LED lighting panels to replace fluorescent tubes this client saved a quarter of their electrical power usage compared with the previous light fittings they were using. The Energy Saving Showroom in Stafford is one of our main suppliers of LED light fittings. The owner John is well-adverse in the development of LED technology and how to save money on office lighting with LED panels, lamp replacements and commercial electrical products in general. With any replacement LED lighting project Day and Knight will visit the premises to conduct a survey and provide a lighting payback outline. This provides you, the customer, with the facts and figures you need in order to invest in LED technology.Acton Trussell Community Centre Office Lighting Project
If you take a close look at the before and after images below, not only will Acton Trussell Community Centre save energy and money on its electricity bill but they now have a greater even coverage of light in the main hall. Plus, they look far more pleasing to the eye. With so many LED product options available you can choose best-fit solutions in terms of look and feel for your home, office, community centre or commercial environment that also save money. To learn more about how to save money when it comes to using LED lighting panels and replacing your existing office lighting (or any commercial environment) please feel free to call 01785 661199 for a no obligation quote or contact us here. Day and Knight are fully insured and regulated electricians based in Stafford approved by the Which? Trusted Trader scheme – check out our reviews. Our review for this job on Which? trusted trader site:Excellent service and work
Ceiling lighting replaced in Community Centre. Work was done exactly in line with detailed estimate and their flexibility to work around our bookings was greatly appreciated. Work was completed quickly and site left very clean and tidy. Final invoice was as estimated.
CommCentreman, .
Quality 5 out of 5
Value 5 out of 5